PCORnet Populations Descriptive Reports

July 26, 2024

Three reports were recently made available to inform researchers on how PCORnet can be used for patient-centered CER research on specific populations: Maternal Morbidity and Mortality, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and Telehealth utilization.
PCORnet is a large, distributed “network of networks” funded by PCORI to improve the nation’s capacity to efficiently conduct definitive health research, particularly patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER).  At the time of these query reports, PCORnet included 63 data contributing Clinical Research Networks (CRN) sites representing more than 13,000 clinical sites connected to more than 34 million unique patients receiving care across the U.S. each year, including care delivered at large academic health systems, hospitals, federally qualified health centers, and community clinics.
Maternal Morbidity And Mortality (MMM) Public Query Report
Describes the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of a population of patients with a pregnancy-related event that had a healthcare encounter at a partner site between October 1st, 2016 and January 1st, 2022.
Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities Public Query Report
Describes a population of patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with a healthcare encounter at a partner site. This query is the largest known, national-scale descriptive analysis of IDD populations using electronic health record (EHR) data.
Characterizing Telehealth Visits Across Clinical Research Networks Participating In PCORnet, The National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network
Explores the use of telehealth services among patients at partner sites. The query results aim to showcase how the PCORnet infrastructure can identify disparities in telehealth delivery, understand trends pre- and post-COVID-19, and illustrate how underserved populations managed chronic conditions using telehealth services throughout the pandemic.
To learn more about our involvement with PCORI through our participation in the Stakeholders, Technology, and Research (STAR) CRN email ctsidata@wakehealth.edu or visit the Office of Informatics website.