Medical Student Research Program (MSRP)

The Medical Student Research Program (MSRP) is an 9 week, full-time summer research experience for rising 2nd year Wake Forest School of Medicine students. Selection is through a competitive process. Participants work with a faculty mentor to conduct a small research project in basic, clinical, or community-based research and participate in a research ethics workshop and summer lecture series.


  • A modest stipend is provided in accordance with NIH funding guidelines. The MSRP covers funding for stipends.
  • Students will work on their projects for 40 hours a week for 9 weeks during the summer between their 1st and 2nd year of school. Attendance is also required at additional didactic and experiential activities related to the responsible conduct of research, protocol submission and approval, scientific communication, and talking with patients about clinical research.
  • All students are required to present their research poster at Medical Student Research Day, held each October.
  • Faculty sponsors, agreeing to supervise the project and provide necessary space, supplies, equipment, and monitoring, serve as mentors for MSRP participants.
  • Faculty interested in serving as mentors will submit brief project descriptions that are shared with all medical students in early December of each year. Students can choose a project from this list or develop an idea of their own.
  • To obtain a research fellowship, the student must submit an application that will be evaluated on the potential quality of the research training experience. Applications will be available early in December of each year. Learn more about MSRP Applicant Resources here.