Contact Timeline and Available Services
If you have any questions about our services and how we can best meet your needs, please email Indra Newman at Indra will follow up and set up an introductory consultation if desired. If in doubt, just reach out.
*These time frames are suggested as the number of days prior to the sponsor’s deadline
- One round of revision
- Check for clarity, grammar, style, and RFA alignment/responsiveness to critiques (resubmissions)
- Two rounds of revision
- In addition to 30-day items, check for logic/consistency of the description of proposed work and edits on ancillary documents (e.g. letters, biosketches, facilities, human subjects)
- Consists on a more involved participation on your proposal document preparation with up to three rounds of revision
- In addition to 60-day items, may include consultation meetings and help with drafting and editing various ancillary documents
- Especially recommended for complex projects (e.g., training grants, center grants, multi-center trials and career development awards)