Some funding agencies limit the number of proposals or applications that they will accept from any one institution. These are called limited submission funding opportunities. There are 3 distinct ways the Institution manages Limited Submission proposals.
- Since it is impossible to become aware of every limited submission opportunity available in enough time to advertise an internal deadline, many are treated as a first come, first served basis. This situation typically happens when the external deadline is less than 2 months away. If you have identified a Limited Submission that has a tight turnaround time, email Brittney Jackson at to determine if anyone else has plans to submit to that opportunity.
- If a Limited Submission is very disease focused, the limited submission decision is made by the appropriate Department Chair.
- If we are aware of a Limited Submission far enough in advance, or is a known popular opportunity, the CTSI will post an internal deadline. In these instances, a pre-proposal (following instructions below) needs to be submitted to Brittney Jackson at to go through an internal competition. The Dean’s Intramural Research Support Committee (IRSC) completes a review on the pre-proposal before a decision is made on who from the institution can submit.
Limited Submission Pre-Proposal Instructions
The pre-proposal should typically* include the following elements and be emailed to Brittney Jackson at
1. Project Description (2 pages) - Including the following
- Significance – what important problem is being addressed
- Methods and Approach – Briefly describe the experimental design and methods used to accomplish the objectives.
- Innovation – Does the project employ novel concepts, approaches or methods
- Investigator qualifications – training and experience in the work proposed.
- Environment – Describe resources and institutional resources supporting the project.
2. NIH Format Bio-sketch - For help constructing a properly formatted bio-sketch, please review the NIH guidelines.
*Any special instructions for the pre-proposal will be posted with the funding award information.