Wake Forest Center for Biomedical Informatics is thrilled to offer a short course titled Introduction to Theory and Methods in Decision Analysis, taught by Dr. Steve Downs, Professor of Pediatrics, the Vice-Chair for Pediatric Learning Health Systems, and an Associate Director of the Wake Forest Center for Biomedical Informatics. Dr. Downs has extensive experience in computer-based decision support and has published dozens of papers on decision analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and assessment of patient preferences.
Health and medicine (like life) are full of difficult decisions - tough choices full of uncertainty and often with high stakes.
Decision Analysis is a theoretical and methodological approach to these challenging decisions.
This course will go over:
- Theoretic and practical aspects of decision sciences
- Bayesian manipulation of probabilities
- Expected utility theory
- Decision trees
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Markov modeling
This course will be conducted online (as of now) and will be held Tuesday evenings from 5 – 6 pm EST from May 4th – June 29th, 2021. The course is aimed at Graduate Students and Fellows, but anyone who is interested may join.
If you have any particular questions, please contact Laya Mohan lmohan@wakehealth.edu.