Scientific Editing Services Providing guidance and support for developing competitive grant proposals.
The CTSI Scientific Editing Services Team provides grant proposal preparation and editing support to help make proposals more competitive for funding. We augment the assistance available to proposal writers in their home departments by providing editing services for a variety of grant applications. Our editing services are free to Wake Forest University School of Medicine faculty and include:
- Editing for grammar, punctuation, style, clarity, and logical flow of ideas
- Editing text for funder/mechanism guidelines
- Drafting/Editing letters of support
- Providing assistance with application revisions for resubmissions
- Polishing text for responsiveness to reviewer comments
- Providing consultations for Early Career Faculty to help with proposal document planning
In addition, our team has experience with providing editing support to large and complex grant proposals, e.g.:
- NIH Center Grants (P series)
- NIH Training Grants (T series)
- Proposals including multi-site Clinical Trials
- Associations and Societies (e.g., AHA, Alzheimer’s Association, etc.). Note: for Foundation grants and awards support, please contact
*Internal Submission Requirements: All proposals must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs through Huron Research Suite. Final proposals should be received 5 days prior to the sponsor deadline.
Contact Timeline and Available Services
If you have any questions about our services and how we can best meet your needs, please email Indra Newman at Indra will follow up and set up an introductory consultation if desired. If in doubt, just reach out.
*These time frames are suggested as the number of days prior to the sponsor’s deadline
- One round of revision
- Check for clarity, grammar, style, and RFA alignment/responsiveness to critiques (resubmissions)
- Two rounds of revision
- In addition to 30-day items, check for logic/consistency of the description of proposed work and edits on ancillary documents (e.g. letters, biosketches, facilities, human subjects)
- Consists on a more involved participation on your proposal document preparation with up to three rounds of revision
- In addition to 60-day items, may include consultation meetings and help with drafting and editing various ancillary documents
- Especially recommended for complex projects (e.g., training grants, center grants, multi-center trials and career development awards)

Receive guidance on preparing a PCORI application, learn about how a PCORI application differs from an NIH application, and watch brief videos from PCORI-funded faculty addressing common inquiries related to PCORI research and applying for funding.

Explore the toolkit for more information on various K award funding mechanisms, application resources, and frequently asked questions.

View our collection of document checklists for the human subjects study record and for R01, R21 (and R03), K series, and K12 (CTSI award) applications.

View our collection of templates for letters of support, letter of reference with instructions (for K awards), data management and sharing plan, generic facilities and resources, K award institutional environment document, plan for enhancing diverse perspectives (PEDP) and consortium contractual arrangements

View our collection of quick reference guides for how to setup the ORCID, SciENcv, and NCBI accounts, data sharing plan FAQs and resources, NIH Role Tool, how to write effectively about your mentoring team for career development awards, authorship roles tool and guidance on using AI and ChatGPT for writers and editors
Coming soon by May 2025: NIH biosketch changes. View a brief guide on what you can do to prepare for the upcoming biosketch changes along with summarized key upcoming changes to all NIH applications in 2025.
NIH Biosketch |
Biosketch Video Series |
Access NIH biosketch instructions, templates and examples. NIH has two formats for Biosketches according to the application type: Non-fellowship Biosketch:
Additional resources for biosketch preparation: |
Watch our short video series to learn tips and suggestions on how to prepare an NIH biosketch! Note that NIH frequently updates forms and instructions - visit the NIH biosketch page for the latest information.
Previous Videos: |
The NIH's FAQ page for Biosketches contains information on which format of biosketch to use, citations rules and acceptable formats, preparation of the Contribution to Science and more. If you need help with biosketches for other types of grant proposals or other formats, please send your questions to Indra Newman at
The CTSI Scientific Editing Services Team provides boilerplate text of facilities and resources provided by the institution to assist investigators in preparing grant applications, manuscripts, and other related documents.
View the boilerplate list by logging on to our SharePoint Boilerplate collection page. If you have updates or information that is not included, please let us know by emailing Tracey Robertson at and we will update accordingly.
Cite the CTSA
A key measure of a program’s productivity is its number of attributed publications. All publications, press releases, or other documents that result from the utilization of any Wake Forest CTSI resources, including the presentation of data and images acquired through CTSI programs, are required to credit the CTSI and comply with NIH Public Access Policy (submission to PubMed Central).
- "The authors gratefully acknowledge use of the services and facilities of the...**, funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health, through Grant Award Number UM1TR004929."
**Please indicate the type of resource utilized. For example, Clinical Research Unit, Translational Imaging Shared Resource (TISR), etc. - "We would like to acknowledge the... *** of the Wake Forest Clinical and Translational Science Institute (WF CTSI), which is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health, through Grant Award Number UM1TR004929."
***Please indicate the type of assistance received. For example, CRU assistance, statistical assistance, editorial assistance, etc.
- "The project described was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through Grant K12TR004931. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH."
- "The project described was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), National Institutes of Health, through Grant Award Number UM1TR004929. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH."
Data Management & Sharing
2023 Final NIH Policy for Data Management & Sharing - Effective January 25, 2023
In this guide, you will find a collection of helpful links to the NIH guidance on the 2023 DMS policy, including:
- Plan and budget for the managing and sharing of data
- Submit a DMS plan and budget request as part of grant proposals for review when applying for funding
- Comply with the approved DMS plan
Here you will find some tips for common questions, such as:
- What does the new plan need to include?
- How do I know if the new plan is applicable to my proposal?
- What are the major changes coming with the 2023 DMS policy?
In these slides, you will find step-by-step guidance on how to write a new DMS Plan according to the final NIH Policy effective on and after 1/25/23, including:
- An overview of the DMS plan
- Do's and Don'ts
- Elements required to be included in the plan
- Download the most recent template of the DMS plan including boilerplate language
- The NIH has also posted several Sample Plans with language that may be helpful to draft your plan.
- Watch a panel discussion on the 2023 Final NIH Policy for Data Management & Sharing with Wake Forest faculty Justin B. Moore, PhD and Ellen Quillen, PhD, and guest participant Sr. Scientific Writer Indra M. Newman, PhD.
Grant Application Sections
Below are some resources and tips to help you navigate the preparation of common sections of NIH proposals.
NIH is committed to promoting the rigor of experimental design in research, and to increase the reproducibility of scientific experiments. Learn more and view tips from the NIH.
The NIH limits this section to 30 lines of text; other funders typically have length limits as well. Consider the Summary as your “elevator speech” to reviewers and the funder. Stress what you really want them to know about your proposal – the need for answers to a scientific question, public-health importance, or timeliness of a particular opportunity, for example. Try not to merely repeat what the Specific Aims are, since those are explained in detail elsewhere.
Be sure to mention each point you consider a strength, such as strong preliminary data, a unique animal model, or a strong investigative team. The Summary is read by all reviewers, including those not expert in the field. Keep abbreviations to a minimum and use as little jargon as possible.
This page is read the most carefully by reviewers – repeated revisions are worth the trouble Remember that if the proposal changes, the Specific Aims page needs revision too. Make sure you allow time for that critical polishing phase. The budget and justification also should match the Specific Aims.
Writing Style
- Some people like sentence fragments: “Aim 1: To examine the prevalence of X in a hitherto understudied group”
- Some like the topic sentence format: “The primary aim of this proposal is to examine the prevalence of X in a hitherto understudied group. X is a high predictor of disease Y, and…”
- But there is no one “right” approach. Writers should focus on 3 key aspects:
- Clarity
- Consistency with subsequent text
- Is it a “preview of coming attractions”? Does it whet the reader’s appetite for more?
Writing Tips
- Use the full page for the Specific Aims
- Include a paragraph of “Background” information – it will put the Aims into a broader context for the secondary reviewer
- A well-designed figure on this page (e.g. logic model or proposed mechanism of action) can be effective
- The context (e.g. gaps in knowledge, hypotheses) can precede the Aims, or follow them to segue into the “Significance” section
Keep “Significance” and “Innovation” brief – about ¾ page together. Review Tips on Significance and Innovation from the NIAID.
- Explains the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed project addresses.
- Explains how the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice in one or more broad fields.
- Describes how the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventative interventions that drive this field will be changed if the proposed aims are achieved.
- Explains how the application challenges and seeks to shift current research or clinical practice paradigms.
- Describes any novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or intervention(s) to be developed or used, and any advantage over existing methodologies, instrumentation or intervention(s).
- Explains any refinements, improvements, or new applications of theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or interventions.
- It is reasonable that a pilot or proof-of-principle project (e.g., NIH R03 or R21) can have 2 or 3 points of innovation. More than that will strain the reviewers’ credulity.
Reviewers decide a proposal’s fate based on details in the Approach. Make sure you have enough room to satisfy their curiosity.
Resource Sharing Plan
Your application may need to include a Resource Sharing plan if you are creating model organisms, plan to have a repository of final research data, or will generate data or other information related to genome-wide association studies. If so, describe your plan or plans in this section. It does not count against the page limits for the Research Strategy section, and is uploaded separately when you submit your application. Review the NIH policies on resource sharing.
Samples of Other Sections of Applications