Clinical Research Unit (CRU) Rates

CRU services and rates are structured according to the following fee schedule categories:

  • Industry-Initiated
  • Investigator-Initiated: Early Career and Pilot Studies
  • Investigator-Initiated: Experienced Investigators with Extramural Funding

2024 Fee Schedule and Invoicing Guidelines

2025 Fee Schedule and Invoicing Guidelines

As the CRU strives to continue providing high-quality services for all types of extramural research, we have made the decision to restructure the current pricing model in accordance with the professional expertise required of a study. With this consideration, we will begin using a singular, time-based pricing structure for all services effective January 1, 2025. This time-based model will remove the “block time” structure and instead, base the costs on the time needed for each service provided to a study.  Please know that our goal with the restructure is to be fiscally responsible while valuing simplicity in the fee structure. This new structure will ensure we can replicate the same pricing in all CRU sites across the enterprise.