Clinical Informatics Short Course

Prediction Modeling with R

March 17, 2022

This course will focus on the use of logistic regression for clinical risk predictions. Students will use the statistical package R to create risk models using an existing dataset of non-diabetes patients undergoing hemoglobin A1c testing (Wells, 2018). The dataset was extracted from Wake Forest EHR and is in a format ready for analyses with minimal cleaning. Students will need to have access to a laptop to each session to be used to conduct the analyses with R.

Although simple R skills will be taught in the class, it would be helpful if students have some familiarity with R before the course. There are a variety of free introductory R courses available online including Learn R Programming.

Thursdays starting June 2, 2022 through August 25, 2022, 7:30 - 9:00 pm

Brian J. Wells, MD, PhD
Instructor: Brian Wells, MD, PhD

Example discussion topics include:

  • Overview of medical decision making and potential uses for risk models
  • Using EHR data for research
  • Creation and validation of risk models, using logistic regression
  • Deciding when it may be appropriate to use newer machine learning methods (e.g. random forest or deep learning)
  • Variable selection
  • Missing data
  • Clinical implementation of prediction tools

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Contact Laya Mohan with any questions!