Since our last check in and update two weeks ago on activities in the Huron Research Suite, we have nearly 100 proposal records that have been created, submitting several of them electronically through, and nearly 150 agreement records that have been created, all in about one month. This is a tremendous start to the usage of the Huron Research Suite, and we appreciate the interaction we have had with the research community to date on this transition.
As a continued reminder, training videos are available that enable a self-paced educational experience. We do ask that all users view and record successful completion of this educational video series.
Additionally, we are continuing our twice weekly Open House sessions on Tuesdays, 10-10:30am and Fridays, 1:30-2pm, through the end of May.
We encourage individuals that have questions about the utilization of the software to join us for these informative and interactive update sessions.